Tea Time porcelain set by Jorine

“Tea Time is a high tea set based on characters. Build up to be a family. Each piece has its own identity. With their character-like look they seem to come alive, living their lives on the table like soldiers in a little nation. Creating surrealistic moments like in Alice in Wonderland.”

This text is from Jorine Oosterhoff´s website and I immediately found my old childhood cartoon book from Disney with Alice in Wonderland. I have taken photos of some of the pages and postet them here, I think the pictures complement Jorine´s porcelain stories nicely.

Cakestand from Teatime by Jorine

Photo of my Disney book with pink “choose me” cookies and porcelain with little feet.

Yoska cups by Jorine

The Yoska cups refer to the wooden, Russian Matryoshka dolls. They can be stacked within eachother.

Snout cups by Jorine

It looks like an ordinary cup but when you drink from it it becomes a snout, and the cups come with different animal snouts. When you buy a pig snout you help support the animal aid organization Pigs in Need .

Tea cups with little tree-trunk legs, called T(r)eacups. Put them together and a magical forest arises.

Which way should I go..Alice in the forrest of signs from my childhood cartoon Disney book.

Bird clips from Puhlmann the Zoo by Jorine

Dear Deer hook by Jorine

Hamster and Squirrel money bank for Puhlmann the Zoo by Jorine

Flowerlamp by Jorine

Left Overs glaze porcelain tableware by Joline

The Left Over in the flower relief pattern, tells its own graphic story..