Here are some of my favourites

My perfume from Paul Smith

A dangerously addictive spicy tea I ♥ ♥ Yogi teas

Fresh herbs in the window sill in the winter and from the garden in the summer

I collect these Moomin cups from Arabia in many colours but of course my favourites are pink…

My Blythe doll from Japan

This is a gift I got, it is so cute from Danish Liebe

My best jewellery: the glittery stars and the butterfly earrings are made by me from recycled paper

This bag I have had for many years it is from HM actually

Shoes from Paris

Candy Apple Mint nailpolish from Essie

I love my blue scarf from Petit Bateau and I collect vintage children´s books

Bathtubs are highly underrated this is the ultimate luxury, children´s bubblebath from Hollys

Vintage pin-up magazines

Vintage magazine Frou Frou

I have read this book many times, definitely my favourite, written in 1975, fantasy novel by Salman Rushdie “Grimus”

I love this cd with Agnes Obel

♥ My stuffed bird

Without a doubt my alltime favourite: my son Silas