Archives for posts with tag: origami

Last chance: leave a comment and win  giveaway jewellery…the winner is announced on Monday  ★ Enter the contest here!

Getting ready for new spring paper projects, paper from Tiger and Søstrene Grene…This post has pictures from the week with rain, sunshine and a birthday..

Making presents…soon I will be launching my new website

Can never get enough balloons…

My son´s latest DIY project is a cardboard robot.

Spring flowers from my garden.

All this spring rain is a perfect excuse for wearing my favourite raincoat with little red mermaids from Danish Danefae.

Tulips from my garden.

DIY magic..

My moodboard in my new office calls for something pink and I need more lighting. I have two old lamps from Netto without shades which were partly put aside for garbage but then I remembered an idea I saw from Retro Villa:

Foto from Retro Villa

This is a great and cheap way to redesign old lamps, so I decided to try. I used string from a bulding supply store meant for bricklaying in neon pink. I didn´t find out an easy way of using the string. It is difficult to wrap it around but with som patience it turned out nicely I think.

I put transparent glue on the knot I tied in the beginning and at the end:

Below you can see the white version of the lamp:

In the dark the whole room now glows with an amazing pink colour:

Mette Helena from Retro Villa, who creates beautiful things and has the cutest shop with vintage wallpaper, also has a facebook group where you can see more of her cute ideas here.

Foto from Retro Villa

After many failures I finally learned how to make the origami paper crane and here is the result. I have borrowed books about origami at the library but I still think the best way to learn paperfolding is by video tutorials where you can repeat and watch again. Inspired by blogger Brinja ´s miniature creations and Origami Jewellery I have decided to try to make the cranes in tiny scale for earrings. You can see the result at the end of this post!

I just wanted to show my new jewellery box from NoMess which is perfect for tiny jewellery parts.

The small colored acryllic boxes from NoMess are really cute, and a great idea for a jewellery gift box. And below are some origami lillies I made, click here for instructions.

And this is how the tiny cranes turned out: They will need two varnish glue coatings and they will be ready for earhooks!

And tadaa! Tell me what you think.

The Cherrybox have made these artworks that can be purchased on their webshop:

You can also buy them at who also sells these Super sprinkles heart necklaces:

And this little green housearring:

For origami lovers like myself, this jewellery from French Origami Jewellery is a must-own:

Available online here